UK FOREWORDAnother year is ending, and we are wrapping it up with another fantastic issue of the Circuit Magazine! Traditionally for many, the end of a year can be a time of reflection. Looking back on 2022, what has changed for you? Have you fulfilled the things you have set out to achieve? If not, why not? Can you make these goals happen in 2023? Sometimes you may not achieve all that you set out to in a particular calendar year, don't beat yourself up and let this get you down. It may not be through a lack of trying; sometimes, life gets in the way. There may be illness, accidents, death in the family, new life, growing commitments and obligations, emails to answer, taxes to pay, unexpected demands, etc. Life isn't a race; it's a journey. Nor is it linear. It's full of twists and turns. So, move at your speed and tick off your goals when possible. Focus on what you can control – and let go of the rest. It is easier to swim with the current than against it. We work in an industry where we are used to solving problems and providing solutions for others; in doing so, you can lose sight of issues closer to home. If this is the case, pause, look inwards, and be your own bodyguard. Burning out or going into self-destruct is no good for anybody; work the problem, take some time and come back with a clear head and fresh eyes for another bite of the cherry. For those who love networking, I recommend signing up for the Eighth Annual Executive Security and CP Technology Conference & Exhibition on the 26th of January in London. The Circuit team will be in attendance, and it would be fantastic to see you there in what will be a great event to kick off 2023. Speaking of 'must attend' events, it was great seeing so many pictures and stories from the recent 2022 IPSB Close Protection Conference in Las Vegas. Unfortunately, I couldn't attend this year, but I'm already planning to be there in 2023. In signing off this last foreword of 2022, I'd like to wish all our readers and listeners a festive, safe, and happy close to the year. Use this festive period to recharge your batteries and make 2023 your year! Stay safe Shaun West Editor