UK FOREWORDWow, life is moving so fast. Did someone press fast forward on 2022?I feel like I only just finished writing the foreword for the last issue, and we are back here again with another issue of the Circuit Magazine.Anyone spending any time in the Executive Protection space knows that time flies and situations can change rapidly, and a lot of the time changes will occur with little notice and through unforeseen, not predicted circumstances. So, how do you bounce back when times change, and you find yourself on the wrong side of the coin?The executive protection space is an extremely small world, and reputation is everything, so to remain in good quality work when times are tough, you need to have a first-class network. The costof-living crisis in the UK is bringing many personal and professional challenges to individuals and businesses alike, so growing your network has become ever more so important. However, whilst having a strong network is essential, you also need to be someone that people within the network would happily readily call upon. A network is a two-way thing, and you should also be prepared to contribute, whether by sharing connections and leads, sharing knowledge and resources or having a unique skill set that can benefit others within the network.The Circuit Magazine provides content covering a vast array of relevant topics within our sector. Each contributor works within the industry or has a skill set that can offer knowledge or services that will be beneficial to our readership. In addition, people who take the time to contribute to the magazine and podcast are potential assets that could become part of your network, so don’t be afraid to reach out.Our goal as a magazine is to share insights from these contributors so we can all benefit from their knowledge and experiences, giving us different perspectives from operators around the Globe. Why don’t you consider contributing yourself? Pass on some of the knowledge you have gained from your career, no matter what stage you are at someone within our readership will benefit and you may well reach someone who you may not have previously aiding the expansion of your own network.Summer is upon us so here’s from all at The Circuit wishing you safe travels wherever you may find yourself!Stay safe Shaun West