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UK FOREWORDWelcome to a new year and your latest edition of The Circuit Magazine.2022 will be a year of good things. I can feel it already, and the Seventh Annual Executive Security and CP Technology Forum in London was a great way to kick off the year's events calendar.The CP Technology Forum has always been first on my list of "to attend" events, and it's great that it's now back live and "in person". There were some fantastic guest speakers, and it was nice to see a number of them being previous contributors to the Circuit Magazine and/or guests of the podcast. As always, the subjects and lectures delivered were fascinating and didn't disappoint. They ignited discussions, and the knowledge shared had the potential for the betterment of everyone in attendance.Who you know can be crucial to progression in this industry, so I highly recommend not underestimating the power of networking; mixing with your industry peers, whether an operator or employer, is a great way to put yourself out there and meet others from similar backgrounds. You never know when that next call may come, and it may well come from someone you have met at one of these have to be in it to win it!Suppose you haven't been tuning in to the Circuit podcast and have become overawed with how many episodes there are to catch up with. Why don't you start your journey with the 2nd season, and if you like what you hear, you can go back and delve into season 1 as there are some real gems worth listening to.Finally, I would like to extend thanks on behalf of everyone at the Circuit Magazine to our contributors who have taken the time penning their views passing on knowledge for the benefit of others in the articles provided. The insights you've shared continue to be well-received by all.Stay safeShaun West Editor