EDITOR FOREWORDSUK FOREWORDWelcome to another topical and feature-rich issue of the Circuit Magazine!Shaun West EditorOrdinarily, I like to use our end-of-year edition to reflect back on the previous 12 months and look forward to the new year. And while it won’t be too difficult to look ahead to 2021, what can we say about the year gone? I think I’ll borrow a term used by Her Majesty, the Queen, and simply describe it as ‘annus horribilis.’ 2020 will certainly be remembered as a landmark year in history and will no doubt be spoken about for years to come. So much has happened, the pandemic that has changed the way we live and affected the world’s economy so dramatically is still infecting millions and killing thousands daily. Hats off to all of our health service professionals who are working so hard helping patients recover and to the scientists who are working tirelessly to find a vaccine. Without them things would be so much harder, though we must all continue to do our bit. Maintaining social distance from others, sanitise regularly and if you have symptoms, avoid the workplace. What is clear is that the virus requires a team effort with everyone pulling in the same direction if it’s to be defeated.Protection is an art and COVID has now added many more considerations to factor in when we assess the best way to keep our principals safe. The virus we are facing has provided us with many challenges to deal with, and the resilience of all organisations and management skills are being put to the test. In the world we operate in, sometimes our principals/clients require protection from themselves far more than they do from external sources. There is no doubt you will be tested when operating with clients who aren’t keen on hearing the word “No” or continually being reminded that their actions might be putting themselves or others at risk.Many countries are now entering another lockdown period, if you reside in one of these countries and wondering what to do with your time to stay focused consider your personal and professional development. Look into online training and enrol on courses to learn new skills and polish up those older ones. There are lots of good training opportunities out there, many of which have been made available at no cost at all. It will keep you sharp, motivated and give you some focus. So, don’t write 2020 off completely, turn a negative into a positive and come out of lockdown stronger!As always, we at the Circuit wish you well, please stay safe and continue to read, like, and share the Circuit Magazine, we wouldn’t exist without you!Stay safe