ASK THE NABA NETWORKQ Why did you choose your logo and does it have any special meaning?Devon Taitt I chose the shield vs an offensive weapon because what I truly want in my business is to teach effective violence prevention, the motto has biblical meaning, it’s round because it brings it all together.Mark James PPS Logo was inspired by the color blocking of Presidential Seal. I also built my agency on the Secret Service Model and not the Gold's Gym Model. The World Map speaks to the global nature of our coverage model. The tag line swift but silent was inspired by the movements of the panther. They move stealthily under the cover of darkness often undetected. Most attacks often happen under low light conditions and that is when a panther is at their best. Silent speaks to their movements and as protection specialist we rarely talk, particularly about the things we see. That is the confidentiality and discretion of our jobs. The loyalty, discipline and humility is what I look for in protection specialist.Brandon Gregory I created SGS logo to stick out but remain professional and elegant...I wanted the logo and name to stick out that our team would provide protection anywhere and provide solutions to client problems...Elijah Shaw I’ll tackle the Arms Length Away logo. I wanted something that was extremely simple. One that people in our industry would get, but others might draw their own conclusions. What’s funny these days, with the pandemic, people think it means to stay 6’ away from me.Steven Villarreal II After 15+ years of being dually licensed in California and using just my company initials, I consulted and this was the game changer. SCV all incorporated into one logo design in the shape of shield/badge. *we also trademarked my personal mantra of "Busy and billable, not bored and broke".Mike Brown I choose Mastiff because they are my favorite breed of dog and it’s simple and gets to the point. When people think of mastiff’s they think of guard dogs. Mastiffs are natural born protectors. The shield adds more of a defensive tone and gives a bold impression.Lee Barnard Jaguar was a nickname I received back in the mid 80’s it stuck. I even owned a karate school named Jaguar Sport Karate. So I just added the logo and my nickname to the brand.Ues LM I choose to make the logo the way I did because most of the security companies in my direct market operate and look like law enforcement. The way our logo is sleek sharp and to the point says much about how we operate. All our brothers are sharp on detail and work efficiently and effectively to get the job done.Donald Sadler My logo design was simple yet complex in my thinking. I wanted something that carried the company initials along with the name, but separate so at some point I can remove the actual name and just have the initials/badge and it still be known to the public. I wanted a color that’s easy to print and mold into pins and print but with a raised and 3D affect to it. I did not want anything that represented security or transportation from its look. I did pull from what drew my attention over the years too. That was sliver car badges and the DC comic book logo.The NABA network is a fantastic community for getting help and advice on all matter’s security related.