Issue 48

Issue 48

No Cutting: Get To The Back Of The Line - Circuit Magazine -No Cutting: Get To The Back Of The Line - Circuit Magazine -
No Cutting: Get To The Back Of The Line - Circuit Magazine -

Michael Brown Jr. looks at his nine years of experience in the Executive Protection (EP) industry. Taken from the Circuit Magazine issue 48

Jun 27, 2023 Archives
Dissecting the Gun Debate - Circuit Magazine -Dissecting the Gun Debate - Circuit Magazine -
Dissecting the Gun Debate - Circuit Magazine -

Mark "Six" James looks at Putting All the Guns on the Table, Dissecting the Gun Debate taken from issue 48 of the Circuit Magazine

Jun 21, 2023 Archives
Keeping Your Edge: What's the End Game? - Circuit Magazine - ProtectionKeeping Your Edge: What's the End Game? - Circuit Magazine - Protection
Keeping Your Edge: What's the End Game? - Circuit Magazine - Protection

Elijah Shaw's regular column Keeping Your Edge look at What's the End Game? from issue 48 of the Circuit Magazine

Jun 16, 2023 Archives
Tactical Pistol Training: Cross draw! - Circuit Magazine - Tactical FirearmsTactical Pistol Training: Cross draw! - Circuit Magazine - Tactical Firearms
Tactical Pistol Training: Cross draw! - Circuit Magazine - Tactical Firearms

It is believed that this is the safest method of carry, because when the handgun is drawn from the holster, it points in a straight line directly at the target. The Cross draw is where the gun is on the opposite side of the body to the dominant hand, so you have to reach across the body to draw the handgun.

Jun 12, 2023 Archives
A Deeper Understanding - Circuit Magazine - SurveillanceA Deeper Understanding - Circuit Magazine - Surveillance
A Deeper Understanding - Circuit Magazine - Surveillance

This time we will take a deeper dive into the technology and look at some of the hardware available. So how does it work? Essentially, a PoC service is like any other client server system that you use. Take Skype as an example that many people will be familiar with.

May 31, 2023 Archives