

Dealing with What Goes Bump in the Night - Circuit Magazine -Dealing with What Goes Bump in the Night - Circuit Magazine -
Dealing with What Goes Bump in the Night - Circuit Magazine -

Often when one sense is taken away, the other senses become heightened. Allow those senses to work for you as you plan your search or exit. For instance, use your sense of smell to help detect a potential threat or adversary (body odor, cologne or perfume, smoke cigarette or tobacco) or any smells uncommon to your environment.

Jan 9, 2024 Uncategorized
Preparedness & Perseverance - Circuit Magazine -Preparedness & Perseverance - Circuit Magazine -
Preparedness & Perseverance - Circuit Magazine -

Mark Roche is back talking about Preparedness & Perseverance which was featured in issue 53 of the Circuit Magaazine

Oct 20, 2023 Archives
The Great Divide - Keeping Your Edge - Circuit Magazine -The Great Divide - Keeping Your Edge - Circuit Magazine -
The Great Divide - Keeping Your Edge - Circuit Magazine -

Elijah Shaw's regular column Keeping Your Edge looks at The Great Divide, looking at your political views and how and when to share them.

Oct 16, 2023 Uncategorized
Ugandan Minister Killed by Bodyguard in Apparent Wage Dispute - NewsUgandan Minister Killed by Bodyguard in Apparent Wage Dispute - News
Ugandan Minister Killed by Bodyguard in Apparent Wage Dispute - News

What happened: A Ugandan government minister, Charles Engola, was shot and killed by his bodyguard early Tuesday in an apparent private dispute over wages, according to the army and local media. Engola, a retired army colonel, served as the junior minister in charge of labor in President Yoweri Museveni's government.

May 19, 2023 Archives
Chinese Operatives Arrested for Running Covert Police Station in New York - Circuit Magazine -Chinese Operatives Arrested for Running Covert Police Station in New York - Circuit Magazine -
Chinese Operatives Arrested for Running Covert Police Station in New York - Circuit Magazine -

What happened: New York City residents Lu Jianwang and Chen Jinping were arrested for opening and operating an undeclared overseas police station in Manhattan's Chinatown on behalf of China's Ministry of Public Security (MPS). The defendants are charged with conspiring to act as agents of the PRC government as well as obstructing justice by destroying evidence of their communications with an MPS official.

May 11, 2023 Issue 65
Protecting Journalists - Circuit Magazine -Protecting Journalists - Circuit Magazine -
Protecting Journalists - Circuit Magazine -

Politics and motives aside, I think everyone can conclude these are very dangerous days for journalists, advocates of free speech or anyone else for that matter that voices an opinion. The recent case of Saudi Arabian columnist, Jamal Khashoggi, who was murdered inside of the Saudi consulate in Istanbul perfectly highlights this worrying trend which saw 2018 become the most dangerous year on record for journalists.

Dec 20, 2022 Uncategorized
Dangers of being a Journalist - Circuit Magazine -Dangers of being a Journalist - Circuit Magazine -
Dangers of being a Journalist - Circuit Magazine -

For the security consultant who is providing services to journalists, activists or opposition politicians these clients can give you some unique challenges as the threats can include harassment and arrest by local or state police, as well as threats from opposing parties etc...

Dec 16, 2022 Uncategorized