US FOREWORDAs we wind down 2022, I’d like to welcome you to another edition of The Circuit Magazine, the #1 magazine for the modern Close Protection practitioner. This past year has been an interesting one both in terms of advancements in the industry, as well as our internal growth with The Circuit Media. In addition to the magazine you are currently scrolling through, we also offer several other multi-media resources to bring protectors from across the world together, and keep them informed. Are you more of an audio person? Look no further than The Circuit Podcast, where we invite some of the brightest minds in the profession to share their stories. Maybe video is more your cup of tea? In that case we have the EPHQ LIVE discussion, hosted by yours truly, along with industry heavyweights, Mark ‘SIX’ James, and Kevin Ghee. Some of you might be asking, ‘where can I find this discussion?‘ and that’s where we get to the good part — The Circuit is a collaborative effort brought to you by the North American Bodyguard Association & The British Bodyguard Association, and both orgs have Apps!So it’s inside the NABA’s Protector App, where you can get not only the LIVE program, but conversations that range from the best way to conduct a Hasty Advance, to which shoes are Protector’s favoring for comfort and durability. If you aren’t yet a member, you can try out NABA Protector and BBA-Connect on either the Apple or Android platforms. I say all of this, because everything we do is focused on creating avenues and outlets for practitioners of the craft to grow. One way you can help is to assist us in getting the word out. If you enjoy The Circuit and related media, leave a review, share a post, and please tell your colleagues about us. So while 2022 might be a wrap, the future is bright for the business of safeguarding others. Elijah Shaw Editor