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In the US, our country is presently suffering, we are dealing with a pandemic that seems to be insurmountable, an election with raw emotions attached, unemployment of millions, failing or closed businesses, anger and political strife. Additionally, we as an industry that has been severely impacted by Covid-19 which has left many in our industry gasping for financial air.
Only an industry spawned from the military could give rise to the array of acronyms used to describe security companies. There's PSC - Private Security Companies. PMC - Private Military Companies. And CSC - Commercial Security Companies-the acronym I believe is most accurate because all security companies exist for one reason only.
There's no denying that security and close protection work is mentally and emotionally demanding. Life-threatening situations, exposure to graphic scenes, distressed individuals, and violent perpetrators as well as the occupational stressors such as unsocial working hours and being away from home mean you need to be operating at peak levels of resilience.
Elijah Shaw's regular column Keeping Your Edge look at What's the End Game? from issue 48 of the Circuit Magazine
Selecting Firearms for Close Protection Details By Orlando Wilson looks at the range of firearms available for the job.
Just how much do you know about the Shotgun? This article from issue 50 of the Circuit Magazine should help top up that knowledge.