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Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the threat is as high as it can get for News Teams, and if you are a well-trained Media Safety Advisor, the demand for your services has never been greater. Over the last five years, the threat to journalists has increased dramatically.
Learn how to focus your medical training to be ready for any situation that may arise. In this article on the importance of focused medical training for executive protection teams, get the steps required to ensure you and your team are prepared for the unexpected.
There is no doubt about it, social media has become one of the fabrics of who we are as a society, and the Tsunami of information coming our way on a daily basis can be overwhelming at times.Social media can quickly become all things to all people meaning that one can find exactly what they're looking for at any time, anywhere, and at the stroke of a key, or swipe of a computer screen.
As I was pondering what would be the subject of my next article, I browsed through past issues of circuit magazine. What I found to my surprise was that there were no articles on fire safety matters. In my opinion, knowledge of fire safety must be a fundamental skill in the close protection officers tool kit.
The challenges of ensuring the safety of vulnerable travellers will change from trip to trip, so it’s important to remain flexible. However, there are some important steps you can take in advance so that mitigations can be made. The post Travel safety advice for working with vulnerable travellers appeared first on Circuit Magazine.
By staying aware of threats, travellers and security teams can thoroughly prepare themselves for the risks they face at the 2018 Russia World Cup. Whether this means having a greater awareness and understanding of the threat landscape, or actually vetting every step of the journey, working proactively to mitigate the risks is by the far the best approach you can take. The post Safety Tips for Travellers at the 2018 Russia World Cup appeared first on Circuit Magazine.