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Counter Surveillance is a complex subject and is frequently neglected on CP courses and often misunderstood.Therefore, in the space available here, I'm going to point out the key principles to a counter surveillance operation.
Things are things afoot in the surveillance sector in respect of qualifications, and I am hoping that the 'powers that be' do not let things slide down a slippery slope as they did with the Close Protection qualification when it was introduced in the UK, by the Security Industry Authority (SIA).
We're now into a new year, and the third year's run of these articles. Over 2020 cyber security and technology have only soared in terms of profile and importance, with talk about threats to remote working from technology, difficulties, and some dramatic outages.
It often comes as a surprise just how much is available and the nefarious uses it can be put to. OSINT can be applied towards defensive purposes, but this article will only be covering the malicious purposes (i.e. how a bad guy might get access to your client's sensitive information and data).
This time we will take a deeper dive into the technology and look at some of the hardware available. So how does it work? Essentially, a PoC service is like any other client server system that you use. Take Skype as an example that many people will be familiar with.
In this short article, I intend to highlight the importance of emotional intelligence (EI) for professional executive protection (EP) operatives/bodyguards, by highlighting where, when, and how it can impact their career and professional development. In today's lifestyle and business dynamics, solving emotion-related problems is equally crucial in both personal and professional settings.