Foot Steps Episode 7: Ivor Terret - Circuit Magazine - Protectionsource: our readers, myself included What does your background consist of? I worked more so in the covert aspect part of things. I have 30 years of protective work including military, police, and private protection work I did with churches, mosques and the Jewish community. While I was in the Israeli defense force I was assigned to a special task infantry unit. After I was part of a small patrol unit in the old city of Jerusalem. Then I worked the rest of my conscription as a reserve unit for 12 years.What was your segue into the private sector.My segue into the industry wasn’t EP related at all. I left a government detail to help a friend with a startup company and it was then I developed a safety net. I started a security company in which I offered consulting services and surveillance courses.What is one take away you got from working in covert executive protection?One thing about covert details is that they are more suitable for certain people. Being truly covert is more than just taking off the ear piece. However, I’ll say, if you want to know more, take my course.What is your take on covert protection?Covert protection is definitely a niche within its own because you have to blend in and you can’t naturally stand out in the crowd. Most times no one knows what you do and you go unnoticed, as you should. It’s all about controlling the environment, without the environment knowing it’s being controlled.Best way to get into a covert protection? Apply for a job with a covert detail. Make sure you have all the right training for the job and network while you there.Were there any times where you had to break cover in front of the client? Yes there were times where we had to break our cover to maneuver our client and divert them from the situation.There was one time where the client didn’t feel safe and was unsure that we were even there. We later showed them footage of the several circles of security we had in place and how the situation got handled.What advice would you give someone who’d follow in your footsteps? Easy. Don’t follow in my footsteps, learn from my mistakesFoot Steps Episode 7: Ivor Terret By: Jose CasillasJose Casillas is a Los Angles based Executive Protection Agent who specializes in red carpet events, movie premiers & estate security.He also teaches martial arts and works as an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT).The post Foot Steps Episode 7: Ivor Terret appeared first on Circuit Magazine.