Executive Protection 2.1 (EP 2.1) - Circuit Magazine - On The Job Executive Protection 2.1 (EP 2.1) Circuit Magazinesource: https://circuit-magazine.com/executive-protection-2-1-ep-2-1/In the US, our country is presently suffering, we are dealing with a pandemic that seems to be insurmountable, an election with raw emotions attached, unemployment of millions, failing or closed businesses, anger and political strife.Additionally, we as an industry that has been severely impacted by Covid-19 which has left many in our industry gasping for financial air. We are akin too many other businesses’, in the sense that we are income driven by both, business and monetary income. Many of us rely on the entertainment industry, while others count on the corporate domain for our business. Either way, there has been severe impacts suffered in both areas which has left a fair amount of us forced to try and make ends meet. Our industry however, survives because our clientele still need our protection and security guidance. Which leads me to probe the answers as to why is it that some survive these times in our industry, and some do not? What steps can be taken to avoid a crisis in your employment status? Why are some getting calls from agencies and some are not? I believe it’s due to a condition called “blame.”We habitually erect a barrier of blame, that keeps us from communicating sincerely with others, and then fortify it with our concepts of who’s right and who’s wrong. Who will we choose to protect and why? Who will we rely on to help, when things are grim? Every outcome has been preempted by a host of contributing factors, and nothing just has a conclusion. You see it all the time, “you working?” “No, client was crazy, health freak, wanted to run all the time, go skiing, she had OCD, it’s an hour drive, I got nobody to watch my kids, I’m not working for $15.00! I can’t wear a mask all day, they like Trump, they like Biden.”In contrast, our industry is reliant on one very special factor, “effort.” This business will give you, as much as you give it. The industry itself doesn’t understand “blame,” it doesn’t recognize excuses, bad behavior, or lack of effort. It’s simple, what you do today, will serve you positively, or negatively, in the future.The Specialists that are working today, continue to work hard both, on and off of details preparing themselves. They aren’t afraid of their client running or biking, why? Because they have conditioned themselves. They aren’t making excuses, they’re making a way, they’re not on social media saying things to potentially hurt their reputations, instead, they’re remaining neutral. The specialist’s that are working don’t blame their misfortunes on others, and instead understand that both positive and negative fortunes lie with them and their preparedness for the job.As many of have seen recently, corporate America is no longer tolerating bad behavior, misinformation, racism, or poor business acumen. In 2021, those who are un-prepared, will find themselves un-employed as it pertains to our CRAFT. While I admit, there are circumstances that are beyond our control, if you have prepared yourself in advance, have worked hard, saved money, readied yourself physically, studied your craft, and continued to apply yourself, you will be successful in retaining work. If you’re eager to learn from others, found a mentor, came prepared for work every day, and carried out the mission, you will survive. I term the year 2021, as Executive Protection 2.1, and make no mistake about it,its going to be different, demanding, and deciding, as it pertains to our profession. Lose the excuses, because the fact about it is, that our clients need us more than ever.A hypersensitivity to comments or beliefs that may be expressed by our VIP’s, can be a fuse to light a passionate response that could open them up for exposure or harm.With the pot simmering and emotions running high in race, religious, political, ideological or socioeconomic stances, it doesn’t take as long as it used to, to elevate risk to a potential attack on a principal no matter how ill-informed that attacker may be. As the saying goes, “they only have to be right once, we have to be right all the time!” Leave blame at the door,get prepared, be prepared, and stay prepared, which is the definition of effort.Executive Protection 2.1 (EP 2.1) By Mark Roche Eps/UAS pilotMark Roche is a US Based, full-time Executive Protection Specialist who works full time with a HNW Family.He is also a FAA Licensed Drone Pilot, specializing in EP related uses, and a graduate of multiple close protection programs. The post Executive Protection 2.1 (EP 2.1) appeared first on Circuit Magazine.