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7 Handgun Accessories For Concealed Carryingsource: a weapon around without concealing it may give people a wrong impression about you. This is why most law enforcement agents prefer to carry their guns with a concealed carrier, popularly called a holster. Concealed carrying is simply the use of concealing accessories to hide a handgun.Getting concealing accessories is not restricted to law enforcement agents only; you can use it too as a civilian. All you need to do in most states is to get a gun permit. Once you obtain the permit, you’ll also need to figure which accessories for concealed carrying suit you and then go for it. Here are a few options to consider.Most people carry their weapons around using this accessory. This is mainly because it seems to be the easiest carrier there is. Although it might take time for you to get used to it, this concealed carrying involves you having an appropriately sized holster connected to your belt. Another possible factor that makes this a choice method for most is the feeling of security it gives. Users can still feel the gun’s weight as this concealing accessory is pressed to the body.There are two types of waistband concealed carrying. Their difference is mainly dependent on how they are attached to the belt. It can be the IWB or OWB of the person carrying it. The IWB holsters are located inside the waistband, while the OWB holster is located outside the waistband. Just take your time to find which one you are convenient with and then make your choice.Another popular method of carrying a handheld gun is to put it under the arms. Anyone who puts on suits or wears a jacket will particularly like this as the jacket covers the strappings of the holster. Two major reasons why people opt for this option is the ease of carrying it around. It is more convenient for easy movement, unlike the waist concealed carrying. The second reason is the easy accessibility users have to their weapon because it is usually at arm’s length. Most underarm holster takes the shape of a cross down, making the handgun stay in a pointed position at someone behind you. This is why you must be careful when using an underarm holster by always having your safety on.The ankle holster is a less common concealed-carrying accessory method. It has a significant drawback of being too far for the hand reach in case of emergencies.This is why most people use ankle holsters as a secondary concealed carrier only. But people, especially those whose profession requires frequent sitting or driving, will find this quite appropriate. Ladies who also wear pants will also have no problem with it.Most ankle holsters are attached around the length of ankle socks, and they tend to generally point to the ground, thus making them safe to carry around.Thigh holsters are for people who need to hide their concealed carrying and are mainly the choice of ladies who wear skirts and gowns. The holster is usually kept at the mid-section of the thigh and is held in place by silicone grippers. Mid-sized and compact guns will best fit into such holsters, and they seem to be the most convenient form of concealed carrying. The drawback to this is that bringing out the gun can be quite tricky, and it usually involves exposing the thighs in case of emergency use. This is a less popular method of concealed carrying and is usually adopted by women whose dressing can’t go with a concealer. As the name implies, it involves carrying your handgun and holster in a hand pack, which can be in the form of a bag, purse, or other such items. It is a safe way to conceal your handgun as most people will not see what you have inside your purse, and also, the risk of accidental trigger pulling is significantly reduced.The disadvantage is that the process of accessing your handgun is quite tedious in case of an emergency, making it a poor choice for people who need instant access to their weapon.Pocket carry is a rising trend of concealed carrying that involves simply putting your gun holster inside your pocket. To use this type of concealed carrying, you will need your clothing to have enough pocket space. The downside to this is that you will have to use handguns that are compact, so they will fit in perfectly to the size of your pocket. Funny enough, this is why most users of this type of concealed carrying use it.The last concealed carrying to be mentioned here is the bra holster which is only suitable for women with large breasts. These holsters are designed to fit into the hollow space between the breasts, making it a perfect position to hide a handgun. The handgun will have to be of remarkably small size, and there will be a feeling of heaviness around your chest area that you will have to get used to if you decide to use this type of concealed carrying accessory. There are quite many accessories for concealed carrying available for you to choose from. You may need to try several to know which one will make you feel very comfortable before making your final choice.Gina WongGina Wong is a car blogger who writes articles concerning the various types of car engine capacity and accessories needed to upgrade them. She has spent enough time with action movies featuring fast cars with drivers using different types of concealers for tactical impact!The post 7 Handgun Accessories For Concealed Carrying appeared first on Circuit Magazine.