10 Tips to a Healthier Life as a Protector - Circuit Magazine - Fitnesssource: https://circuit-magazine.com/10-tips-to-a-healthier-life-as-a-protector/Recently, I was having a conversation with a fellow member of the clergy about his goal of becoming a Navy chaplain.To my shock and amazement, he told me that the Navy turned him down. When I asked ‘why,’ my friend admitted that it was because he had failed to meet the Navy’s physical fitness requirements. Now mind you, he was not being prepared for combat; all he wanted was to be in a position to conduct religious services for Navy seamen.This example tells us that ifthe Navy is hard on chaplains to maintain a healthy lifestyle, we as protectors should be just as zealous when it comes to maintaining health because, after all, it’s a life or death matter as it relates to ourselves and the client that we are assigned to protect.Therefore, let me suggest ten tips to a healthier lifestyle as a Protector using the acronym H – stands for Head This has to do with mindset. Everything in life that we are now doing is the result of our thinking. You have to getyour head in the game if you want to develop a healthier lifestyle. Start changing and challenging your mindset to construct habits (another H) that are conducive to healthy living.A – stands for Activity The cornerstone of the protector’s lifestyle should be exercise. Exercise not only helps you physically, but it also helps you mentally by building confidence. Start small and eventually your body will adapt and demand more intensified workout.R – stands for Relaxation You get into this industry because you want to serve and save people. And sometimes you grind hard because you so love what you are doing that you forget to rest. Well, if you don’t learn to rest you will be “resting in peace” –- either in a hospital or a grave. Take time off to rejuvenate (another R); you’ll be glad you did.D – stands for Diet Did you know that what you eat is energy? That is why food is called calories! You want to put in the best energy sources in your body that will promote vitality and strength. Get it from the garden: fruits, nuts, vegetables, legumes, and grains.T – stands for Team You and I need accountability partners who will inspire us to reach our goals. Choose wisely in this area. You want someone who emulates what you are trying to achieve. Get a workout partner who pushes you past lazy, and not punishes you with indifference.A – stands for Appearance Remember the song “Your So Vain”? Well as it relates to your health, you can afford to be vain. We are so focused on protecting others that we forget to protect ourselves. Feel free to channel your inner vanity and use this to motivate your health and strengthen the appearance of a protector.R – stands for Research We live in the era of social media and pseudoscience, so it is easy for us to become confused. This is where you have to use your research skills to discover the best health program to achieve your goals. Education is out there! Use your intuition and advance skills to find a great program for your health.G – stands for Goals. Set health and fitness goals that will challenge you and change you.Learn to change up your fitness routine so you can get the best results. Write your goals down with deadlines, because without a deadline your goals are just dreams.E – stands for Emotion. In this area, there are two things that you must have: resiliency and a positive attitude. So often we start off with a big bang and end up burning out and quitting. Decide now that you will have a positive attitude in pursuing a healthy lifestyle, and when roadblocks appear, you will never quit.T – stands for Triumph. Celebrate small victories. Celebrate big victories. Know how much progress you make. Learn to congratulate yourself.Remember, health is the most valuable blessing in life, and the healthier you are as a Protector, the better you’ll be in protecting your clients.10 Tips to a Healthier Life as a Protector By: Kevin JenkinsKevin Jenkins, D.Min is a New York State Licensed Protector with certifications in Celebrity Protection/ Behavioral Intelligence from Icon Global and Executive Security International and a certification as aProtective Detail Specialist from Select -International. He is also acertified Vegan Lifestyle Coach and Educator.The post 10 Tips to a Healthier Life as a Protector appeared first on Circuit Magazine.