Bodyguard Saves Japanese PM from Pipe Bomb Attack Newssource: Saves Japanese PM from Pipe Bomb AttackApril 17What happened: A bodyguard has been hailed as a hero for his quick-thinking actions during a suspected pipe-bomb attack on Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida. Video footage captured the bodyguard kicking away a metal object as it landed near Kishida before positioning himself between the Prime Minister and the device, shielding him with a collapsible, handheld ballistics shield. The bomb detonated moments later, filling the air with white smoke, but Kishida was evacuated unharmed. The attack occurred during a speech in Wakayama, western Japan, and comes nine months after the assassination of Kishida’s predecessor, Shinzo Abe.Why it matters: This incident underscores the importance of effective security measures for high-profile individuals, particularly in light of the assassination of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. The bodyguard’s actions serve as a reminder of the crucial role trained professionals play in safeguarding public figures. As a result, the security industry may experience increased demand for specialized protection services and advanced security technology to prevent similar attacks in the future.Source >The post Bodyguard Saves Japanese PM from Pipe Bomb Attack appeared first on Circuit Magazine.