ISIS Chief Killed by Turkish Forces in Syria - Circuit Magazine -source: Chief Killed by Turkish Forces in SyriaWhat happened: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced on Sunday that the leader of the Islamic State (IS) group, Abu Hussein al-Qurayshi, was killed by Turkish forces during an operation in Syria. The strike took place on Saturday, and Erdogan stated that Turkey’s intelligence agency, MIT, had been tracking al-Qurayshi for some time. Turkey has conducted numerous operations against IS and Kurdish groups along the Syrian border and now controls large areas of northern Syria.“We will continue our struggle against terrorist organizations without discriminating against anyof them,”Erdogan said in the interview.Why it matters: The killing of the IS leader marks a significant blow to the extremist group, which has lost control of its previously held territory in Iraq and Syria. Despite this, the group has been attempting to regroup, with sleeper cells carrying out deadly attacks in both countries. The death of al-Qurayshi is likely to disrupt the group’s leadership structure and hinder its efforts to regain power.Source > The post ISIS Chief Killed by Turkish Forces in Syria appeared first on Circuit Magazine.